Friday, September 18, 2009

WTH is wrong with the mizuno wave run organising committee? Results given not in order of ranking?! Seriously. have some respect for the runners who competed in the event, especially for the fo...reign runners who came down for this. This is not a recreational run or an annual time trial. Its a freaking $40 race. For a $40 race, this is not acceptable. Not mentioning the bad route control (everyone ran extra 1km) + even top 10 runners have to stop at traffic lights. Ppl pay money to run in races for a simple reason: to be able to run continously for 16km which is hard to achieve in singapore by yourself due to traffic lights. Now we pay $40 each and we get such crap organisation. Another bad race in Singapore, just like the passion run earlier this year. Are these events just to earn money? where is the $40 going to with no road closure, bad results processing system? Hey. Enough of such races. Such organisers piss me off.


josh said...

Mizuno sponsored runs are useless lah... their extremely poor track record is evident for all to see.

Alessandra said...

Yeah, totally disappointed in it. Rubbish, man.. The rac was kinda the traffic lights just put the runners down.

Anonymous said...

generally, singapore races are badly orgainsed! its really pathetic!!!!